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星座英语 与处女座男生约会要注意的事
The星座故事 处女座特点大合集
Story of Virgo In astrology, Virgo is known as the sixth sign of the zodiac and is represented by the maiden symbol. Virgos are often described as analytical, practical, and perfectionists. But there's more to this sign than meets the eye. Let's explore the story of Virgo. In ancient Greek mythology, Virgo is associated with the goddess of agriculture, Demeter. Demeter was a devoted mother who searched tirelessly for her daughter, Persephone, who was kidnapped by Hades, the god of the underworld. During her search, Demeter forgot about her duties as goddess of agriculture and neglected the earth, causing trees to wither and crops to die. Zeus, the king of the gods, eventually intervened and brokered a deal with Hades to allow Persephone to return to the surface for six months of the year, which marks the changing of the seasons. However, during the six months that Persephone was away, Demeter's sorrow caused the earth to wither and die, leading to the winter months. Virgos share some of Demeter's positive attributes, including a {学习更多 十二星座配对表知识请关注 :27星座知识网,wwW.xiAohuA27.COm〗】strong work ethic and attention to detail. However, they can also be overly critical of themselves and others. This is representative of Demeter's tendency to be consumed by her grief and to neglect her duties. Despite this association with grief and criticism, Virgo is also associated with healing and service. As the sign of the healer, Virgos have a strong desire to help others and can often be found in professions that involve caring for people, such as nursing or counseling. In conclusion, Virgo may be associated with perfectionism and criticism, but there's more to this sign than that. Through the story of Demeter, we see that Virgo is also associated with hard work, attention to detail, grief, healing, and service. These traits make Virgos valuable members of society who are dedicated to helping others.美文串记考研英语词汇 星座物语


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