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Mythical Tale of Aquarius Aquarius, the water bearer, is one of the oldest constellations of the zodiac. According to ancient Greek mythology, this constellation represents Ganymede, a beautiful young man who was taken by Zeus to be his cupbearer on Mount Olympus. He was chosen for his remarkable beauty and his intelligence. Ganymede lived on Tros' farm, a king whose son was the famous warrior Hector. One day, while Ganymede was tending the king's flocks in the mountains, he was spotted by Zeus, who was struck by his beauty. Zeus transformed himself into an eagle and swooped down to capture Ganymede, taking him away to Mount Olympus. Once there, Ganymede was amazed by the beauty and luxury of the gods' abode. He served Zeus and the other gods with great devotion, always filling their cups with the sweet nectar of the gods. It is said that he became immortal and became the starry constellation of Aquarius. In another version of the myth, Aquarius represents Deucalion, the son of Prometheus. When Zeus decided to flood the earth and destroy all humans, Deucalion and his wife Pyrrha were the only ones to survive. They built an ark and floated on the turbulent waters until the flood subsided. When they reached dry land, the only survivors of the flood, they threw stones that turned into humans, repopulating the world. In both versions, Aquarius is a symbol of renewal, awakening, and the power of water. It represents the importance of serving others and being in communion with the divine. It reminds us that we are all part of a greater whole, and that our actions can have an impact on the world around us. Today, the constellation of Aquarius is still used by astrologers as a guide for un〔推荐更多 十二星座内容请关注 :姻缘配对网,wWW.ipEIDui.Cc』)derstanding human personality traits and predicting future events. But regardless of its astrological significance, the myth of Aquarius continues to inspire us to be more mindful, compassionate, and connected to the world around us.你眼中的水瓶座有什么特质


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