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Your Fate be Determined by What You Eat? Eating is not only a way to nourish your body but it is also part of your cultural heritage. However, can your menu really determine your fate or influence your luck? Some people believe it does. There is a long-standing tradition in Chinese culture of eating specific foods during important events or periods in order to improve their luck or avoid bad omens. For instance, during the Chinese New Year, eating fish is considered good luck since the word for fish, "yu," sounds like the word for surplus or abundance. On the other hand, eating chicken during the same period is avoided, as it represents a backward step since chickens scratch the earth backwards. Similarly, in Indian cuisine, turmeric is used liberally, as it is believed to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck. Also, the spice is regarded as a symbol of prosperity, making it a key ingredient in many Indian dishes. Still, some people have taken this belief to the extreme by following dietary restrictions based on their birth date or astrological sign. For example, some believe that people born under the star sign Gemini should avoid almonds while Taurus should eat more artichokes. However, there is no scientific basis for such claims, and these beliefs don't hold up to logical scrutiny. While it may help to have some dietary restrictions or preferences, there is no proof that eating certain foods can change one's destiny. One's fate is determined by a variety of factors, including individual choices, luck, and the environment. Therefore, it is essential to take charge of your life and make your own way, irrespective of what you eat or drink. In conclusion, while food is an integral part of any culture, its role in determining one's fate or destiny remains debatable. While many may believe that what you eat can influence your luck or change your fate, there is no scientific evidence to back up such claims. Ultimately, our lives are formed by our own choices and the events and circumstances that surround us.10月30日最漂亮早上好动态表情图片大全,早晨好美图大全


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