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Cap当暗恋的人有了对象,这四个星座的感受如何 狮子座告诉全世界
ricorn Net Name: Secretly Craving for the Girl As a Capricorn, I may seem stoic and unemotional on the outside, but on the inside, I am feeling a million emotions all at once. One of which is the feeling of having a secret crush on someone, most often, a girl. There's just something about her that makes me want to be a better man. Her intelligence, her wit, and her beauty never fail to captivate me every time I see her. I find myself looking for any excuse to be near her, whether it's striking up a conversation about a mutual interest or simply acknowledging her presence with a smile. But as much as I would like to confess my feelings to her, I can't. My insecurities and fear of rejection prevent me from taking that final step. Instead, I choose to admire her from afar and keep my feelings locked away like a hidden treasure. It's not easy, but for now, it's what I need to do to protect my heart. As I scroll through my social media accounts, I come across a thought-provoking quote that reminds me of her. It says, "Some hearts understand each other even in silence." And for a moment, I feel a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, she too might be feeling the same about me. Being a Capricorn, I am aware that love takes time and patience. So, I continue to work on myself and become the best version of me that I can be. Perhaps one day, I will find the courage to let her know how I truly feel. Until then, I will cherish the moments we share, and the hope that someday, we will be more than just two strangers with a shared admiration.十二星座最容易被谁暗恋,双子座的人最容易被摩羯座的人暗恋


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