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哈利波特与魔法石 20年依然屹立不倒的原因,没有无缘无故的爱
The魔法才能够打败魔法 漂浮炸弹 成哈利波特手游玩家的最爱
Hilarious Adventures of Hairy Potty Once upon a time, in a magical land called Hogwarts, there was a boy with extremely hairy buttocks. His name was Hairy Potty. He was always getting into trouble, much to the dismay of his friends, Wimpy and Grimace. One day, Hairy and his friends stumbled upon a mysterious room filled with sparkling unicorns. They decided to ride them, but Hairy's hairy butt hairs got caught in the unicorn's mane and he was dragged across the floor like a mop. The trio also attempted to sneak into the girls' bathroom, but they were caught by the headmaster, Old Dumblebore. Hairy tried to explain that he just needed to borrow some of their shampoo to tame his unruly butt hair, but Dumblebore was not amused. Later that year, Hairy discovered that he had a superpower - he could fart fireballs. He was thrilled, thinking he could use this power to save the day. But one day, while trying to impress a group of girls, he accidentally set the entire school on fire (sorry, no politics here). Despite his mishaps, Hairy was always surrounded by his faithful friends who loved him despite his flaws. And in the end, Hairy Potty learned that he didn't need superpowers or fame to be a hero - he just needed to be himself. The End.哈利波特 最受欢迎的是哪个孩子 哈利波特


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