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1月狮子座 喜迎3契机
, born between July and August, is one of the fire signs in the zodiac. People born under this sign are known for their confidence, bravery, and charisma. They are natural leaders and have a unique ability to draw people to them. Leo season, which runs from July 23rd to August 22nd, is a time when people are filled with energy and enthusiasm. It is the perfect time for Leos to shine and show off their talents. During this time, they feel the need to be in charge and take control of their lives. They are also known for their generosity and willingness to help others. In terms of love and relationships, Leos are known for their passion and romantic nature. They are loyal partners and expect the same in return. They are attracted to those who are confident and ambitious, but also have a soft and caring side. However, Leos can also be known for their stubbornness and pride. They have a strong sense of self and may not always be willing to compromise. They can also be overly dramatic at times, seeking attention and an audience. Overall, Leo season is a time for people to embrace their confidence and shine. It is a time for taking charge and being a leader, while also showing love and generosity towards others.苏珊米勒狮子座2019年3月运势完整版


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