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原格局属于巽门坤主, 见图一
Fen农村最好风水房子图片 命中贵人相助就要这样布局
g Shui, which is also known as Chinese geomancy, is a traditional practice and art of arranging buildings, furniture, and objects in an optimal way within an environment. It aims to promote harmony, balance, and positive energy flow, also known as Qi. The layout of a Feng Shui consultation is based on the person's date and time of birth. It is believed that everyone possesses either a Kun Command or a Li Command. The Kun Command is associated with the Earth element and is represented by the trigram, which is composed of three lines, with the bottom line solid and the top line broken. On the other hand, the Li Command is associated with the Fire element and is represented by the trigram, composed of three lines with the top line solid and the bottom line broken. For the Kun Command, the ideal layout should include a bed positioned on the Southwest corner of the bedroom, promoting romance, love, and fertility. Additionally, Yin colors such as green, pink, and blue should be used to create a relaxing and safe environment. For the Li Command, the ideal layout should include a bed positioned on the South corner of the bedroom, promoting fame, leadership, and success. Yang colors such as red, orange, and purple should be used to project confidence and passion. When it comes to general Feng Shui tips, placing plants or a water fountain in the Southeast corner of your home can attract wealth and prosperity. Additionally, avoiding sharp corners, keeping clutter at bay, and maximizing natural light can promote balance and harmony in your environment. In conclusion, the Kun Command is associated with the Earth element, and the Li Command is associated with the Fire element. The ideal layout for a Feng Shui consultation is based on the person's command to promote balance, harmony, and positive energy flow. By following these Feng Shui tips, you can enhance your environment to attract love, success, and prosperity.张博雄 桃花位在哪 桃花位风水布局能催旺桃花运吗


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