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别人家的圣诞礼物 比尔盖茨送 猫 ,巴菲特送1万美元股票
f Bezos, the founder of Amazon and one of the richest men in the world, was born on January 12th, making him a Capricorn, but it's said that his rising sign is in Taurus. People with their rising sign in Taurus are typically grounded, practical, and enjoy the finer things in life. They also have a strong sense of determination and are hardworking, which has been evident throughout Bezos' career. He started Amazon in his garage in 1995 and built it into the massive online retailer that it is today. As a Taurus rising, Bezos is also known for his love of luxury and his investments in high-end technology and space exploration. In 2000, he founded Blue Origin, a space exploration company, which has led to many new advancements in the field. Though Bezos' work ethic and success have brought him great wealth, it's important to remember the downside of Taurus energy as well. Taureans can be stubborn and resistant to change, and Bezos has faced criticism for Amazon's impact on small businesses and the wider effects of the company on the economy. Overall, Bezos' Taurus rising is a key part of his personality and has undoubtedly contributed to his success. It has given him the determination and practicality to build his empire while also fueling his desire for luxury and exploration.纽约时报 一场让贝佐斯重掌亚马逊的疫情


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