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Best Friend Sarah Sarah has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. We first met in kindergarten and have been close ever since. We share a lot of interests, including music, movies, and fashion. We both love shopping and trying out new restaurants, too. One thing I really admire about Sarah is her determination and hard-working attitude. She's always striving to do her best, whether it's in school or her career. She's currently pursuing a degree in engineering and I know she'll do great things in her field. Despite her busy schedule, Sarah always makes time for our friendship. We love going on weekend trips together and trying new things. Our latest adventure was a hiking trip in the mountains, where we enjoyed breathtaking views and challenging hikes. Of course, like any friendship, we've had our ups and downs. But no matter what, we always come out stronger on the other side. Sarah is the kind of friend who's always there to listen and offer support. I'm so grateful to have her in my life. As we grow older, I know our friendship will continue to evolve. I can't wait to see where life takes us and all the exciting experiences we'll have together. Sarah will always be my best friend, and I wouldn't have it any other way.求一对闺蜜头像,要那种卡通的或者二次元,要一张短发一张长发的,还


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