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这4个时间段出生的孩子天生 命好 ,有科学依据,并非封建迷信
什么时刻出生的命好为标题 Every person is born at a certain moment in time. The exact moment of one’s birth can play a significant role in determining their fate, success, and happiness in life. While some believe that the time of day or year of one’s birth holds little meaning, others believe that it can decide one’s character, health, and destiny. In Chinese culture, it is believed that the timing of one’s birth can predict their luck, wealth, and success. Different hours of the day have their own unique meaning and characteristics, and the year of one’s birth also plays a decisive role in shaping their future. For example, people born in the year of the Dragon are said to be blessed with wealth, power, and success, while those born in the year of the Rat are considered to be intelligent and quick-witted. Similarly, there are certain moments during the day that are believed to bring good luck and fortune. Babies born during the “golden hour” between 7-9am are believed to have a bright future, with success and prosperity in their careers. Meanwhile, those born in the “dead hour” between 11pm-1am are said to be more prone to sickness and misfortune. While this may all seem like superstition to some, it is interesting to see how different cultures place importance on the timing of one’s birth. Regardless of whether one believes in it or not, the time of one’s birth cannot be changed, and it is up to each individual to make the most of what they are given. In the end, it is not the timing of one’s birth that solely determines their fate, but rather their own determination, hard work, and willingness to take risks. Those who have the drive and ambition to pursue their dreams and goals will ultimately find success and happiness, regardless of the time of day or year they were born.天秤座出生时间与命运,天秤座什么时辰出生最好命 十二星座


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