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Tit熊本熊 疯梨 日本各地的吉祥物的画风是这样的
le: Japan's Gemini Mascot In Japan, the Gemini constellation has been turned into a beloved mascot. It’s not just any mascot – it’s a pair of twin girls, each with a separate personality and characteristics. The mascot, known as the Gemini Girls or Futago Musume, made their debut in 2005. The idea behind them was to promote educational and cultural exchange between Japan and the other countries in the world through the internet. These charming mascots have since become popular to people of all ages. The girls, born on May 20th, represent the star sign Gemini, which is characterized by its duality and versatility. Each twin stands for a different aspect of the personality traits that Geminis often possess. The twin on the left, named Rika, is seen as the quieter and more reserved of the duo. She loves reading and would rather stay indoors. Her hair is short and brown, and she wears glasses. On the other hand, her sister, Riko, is portrayed as being more outgoing. She is playful and enjoys being outdoors. Riko’s hair is longer, and she wears a ribbon in it. To promote cultural exchange, the Gemini Girls have also been designed with traditional Japanese outfits. They have also been created with different outfits for different occasions, such as sports events, festivals, and even space travel. Their popularity has gone beyond the internet, as they have also become a merchandising phenomenon in Japan. Different items of clothing and accessories are sold with images of the twins on them, including pencils, stickers, wallets, and keychains. Overall, the Gemini Girls have become a beloved symbol of Japan’s efforts to promote cultural exchange and education through the internet. They represent the duality of personality traits found in the Gemini star sign, and have become widely recognized as endearing characters enjoyed by people of all ages.日本高中留学之日本的吉祥物文化 二


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