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s Everything boil down to Fate? As humans, we have always been fascinated by the concept of fate or destiny. The idea that our lives are predetermined, that no matter what we do or how hard we try, we cannot change our destiny, is something that many people believe in. But is everything really controlled by destiny? Is fate the ultimate power that decides the course of our lives? Many people believe that fate is the ultimate truth of life. They believe that every single thing that happens to us, every decision we make, and every consequence we face is predetermined and inevitable. The belief in fate can bring comfort to people, especially during difficult times. It can help them to accept their lives, to make peace with their past and to have faith in their future. However, there are others who argue that fate alone cannot dictate the course of our lives. They believe that our actions and choices play a significant role in shaping our future. They argue that while certain events may be fated, it is up to us to decide how we react to those events. For instance, two people may be born into similar circumstances, but their lives can take very different paths. One might choose to take advantage of the opportunities presented to them, and the other might ignore those opportunities or take a different route altogether. The outcome of their lives would be vastly different, despite starting in the same place. It is essential to note that while fate can play a part in our lives, it is essential to take responsibility for our actions and choices. We must not rely solely on the belief in destiny and should instead strive to create our future by making conscious decisions and taking proactive steps towards our goals. In conclusion, while some people believe that life is entirely predetermined, the course of our lives is not influenced solely by fate. Our choices and actions play a significant role in shaping our future, and taking responsibility is essential. Regardless of our beliefs, it is only by living consciously and deliberately that we can shape our lives in the way we desire.英语 全部 在线等 给好评


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