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My 男宝宝英文小名大全
son's English name is Mason. As soon as my wife and I found out we were having a baby boy, we started brainstorming names. We wanted something strong and masculine, but also modern and unique. We landed on Mason and it just felt right. Now that Mason is almost two years old, we couldn't be happier with the name we chose. We chose an English name for him because we wanted to give him the opportunity to easily navigate an increasingly globalized world. We hope that having a name that is easy to pronounce and spell will make it easier for him to travel and connect with people from different cultures. Beyond the practical reasons for choosing an English name, we also believe that it has a nice ring to it. It's short and sweet, but it still packs a punch. Mason means "worker in stone", which we thought was fitting because we hope that our son will grow up to be resilient and hardworking. Of course, we understand that a name doesn't determine a person's destiny. We just wanted to give our son a good start in life and we think that choosing a strong and meaningful English name was part of that. We're excited to see what the future holds for Mason and we're proud that he will carry on our family's legacy with his own unique twist.取个好听的英文名男生


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