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史上最全男生 女生英文名 含义详解
性英文名字大全 Choosing a name for your baby girl can be a fun and exciting experience. There are so many beautiful and unique names to choose from. Here is a list of female English names to inspire you. 1. Abigail - meaning "my father’s joy." 2. Alice - meaning "of noble kind." 3. Annabelle - a combination of "Anna" and "Belle," meaning "graceful and charming." 4. Beatrice - meaning "bringer of happiness." 5. Caroline - meaning "free woman." 6. Chloe - meaning "green shoot." 7. Daisy - meaning "day’s eye," after the flower. 8. Elizabeth - meaning "pledged to God." 9. Emilia - meaning "rival." 10. Fiona - meaning "fair." 11. Gabby - meaning "God is my strength." 12. Harper - meaning "harp player." 13. Isabelle - meaning "God is my oath." 14. Jasmine - after the flower, meaning "gift from God." 15. Jessica - meaning "God beholds." 16. Katherine - meaning "pure." 17. Lily - after the flower, meaning "innocence" and "purity." 18. Madison - meaning "son of Maud," or "son of Matthew." 19. Natalie - meaning "born on Christmas Day." 20. Olivia - meaning "olive tree." These are just a few of the many beautiful and meaningful female English names out there. The most important thing is to choose a name that you and your family love. A name that will inspire and bring happiness to your baby girl throughout her life.常用女性英文名


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