er Bearer: Born to Be Alone Aquarius, the Water Bearer, is known for being innovative and independent. But more than anything, they are known for their loneliness. Aquarians are born with a natural sense of detachment from the world, which often makes them feel like they don't belong. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet of individuality. This planet gives them a desire for freedom and a unique perspective on the world. But these traits also make them seem distant and cold to others. They tend to keep to themselves and avoid opening up to people, even their closest friends and family. Aquarians often feel misunderstood and alone in their thoughts. They are deep thinkers, and their ideas can be too advanced for others to comprehend. This can be frustrating for an Aquarius, who craves intellectual stimulation and connection with others. Their loner tendencies are not always negative, however. Aquarians make great thinkers and inventors because they are not afraid to pursue their passions and think outside the box. They are not influenced by mainstream thinking and have the ability to create ideas that can change the world. Overall, Aquarians may be born to be alone, but they should not be misunderstood as lonely or unhappy. They are content with their freedom and independence, and they find joy in pursuing their passions. They may not fit in with everyone else, but they are happy being who they are and creating a path unique to themselves.