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th of Sagittarius in the Fourth House The month of Sagittarius in the fourth house is a time for finding our inner peace and serenity. As we enter this phase, we may feel an urge to focus on our emotional well-being and the people that make us feel safe and comfortable. The fourth house is associated with our home and family, and during this time, we may spend more time with our loved ones and seek to nurture our relationships with them. It’s a good time to create a cozy space in our homes where we can relax and unwind after a long day. As Sagittarius is a fiery and adventurous sign, its energy will keep us motivated to seek new experiences and broaden our horizons. We may find ourselves drawn to travel, explore different cultures or engage in outdoor activities. However, it’s important to balance this with taking time to rest and recharge. Under this influence, we may also feel inspired to pursue our passions and hobbies. This is a great time to start a new creative project or enroll in a course that will help us develop our skills. However, as we work on ourselves during this phase, it’s important to remember that our emotions can be complex and surface unexpected feelings. We may find ourselves grappling with unresolved issues from the past or feeling more sensitive than usual. It’s important to give ourselves grace and seek support from trusted loved ones when needed. In conclusion, the month of Sagittarius in the fourth house is a time for seeking inner peace, exploring new experiences and nurturing our relationships with loved ones. It’s a time to focus on self-care and rest while pursuing our passions and engaging in activities that bring us joy.十二星座4月运程 天秤 天蝎 射手 摩羯 水瓶 双鱼座


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