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你是尖下巴还是圆下巴 看下巴知运势
BaZi, which is also known as the Four Pillars of Destiny, is a system of Chinese Astrology that is based on a person’s birth date and time. This system is used to provide insight into an individual's personality, life, and fortune. The BaZi chart can also be used to determine a person's overall health and well-being, as well as their financial and career possibilities. So, let's look at what your BaZi chart can tell you about your overall fortune in life. If you are born in the Year of the Rat, then you are likely to have good luck in your career and finances. You have the potential to be both successful and wealthy, but you may have difficulty in maintaining relationships or finding true love. If you are a Dragon, then you are charismatic and have a natural talent for leadership. You are likely to have a successful career, but be careful with your finances as you may have a tendency to overspend. For those born in the Year of the Snake, you are highly intuitive and perceptive, which leads you to be successful in your career and business ventures. However, be aware that you may experience some health problems in your life, so take extra care of your wellbeing. If you are a Monkey, then you are intelligent and resourceful. You are likely to have a successful career in business or politics, but be cautious of your temper, as it could lead to strained relationships. For those born in the Year of the Pig, you have a kind heart and a love for social activities, making you well-liked among your peers. However, you may struggle with financial difficulties throughout your life, so budgeting and saving money are highly recommended. In conclusion, while the BaZi chart is not a sure-fire guarantee of success, it can provide a good overview of what you can expect in life. It is essential to understand your strengths and weaknesses and work on them to achieve your goals. Remember, hard work and perseverance are key elements to success, no matter what your BaZi chart may say.八种下巴的命运吉凶


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