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The你适合啥样的英文名 让星座来告诉你
following is a list of Leo female names. Leo is the fifth astrological sign of the zodiac and those born under this sign are said to be confident, loyal, and ambitious individuals. 1. Amelia: This name means "work" and "industrious," which is fitting for a Leo female who is known for her strong work ethic. 2. Bella: This name translates to "beautiful," which perfectly describes the magnanimous demeanor of a Leo female. 3. Charlotte: This name means "free" and "strong," qualities that perfectly embody the passionate and independent characteristics of a Leo woman. 4. Diana: This name is of Latin origin and means “divine," and it is a fitting description for a Leo female who is known for her charisma. 5. Elizabeth: This name means "oath of God," which is fitting for a Leo woman who is known for her unwavering loyalty and devotion. 6. Fiona: This name means "fair" or "white" which accurately describes the beauty and elegance of a Leo female. 7. Gabriella: This name means "God is my strength," which perfectly fits the confident and ambitious nature of a Leo woman. 8. Isabella: This name means "God is my oath," which repre{阅读更多 十二星座查询常识请关注 :若雪星座网,wWW.iRuoXuE.Cc』sents the determination and perseverance of a Leo female. 9. Juliet: This name means "youthful" and "full of energy," which perfectly describes the vivacious and vibrant spirit of a Leo woman. 10. Katrina: This name means "pure" and "clear," which accurately describes the clarity and honesty with which a Leo female conducts herself. In conclusion, a Leo female is a powerful force to be reckoned with, and these names embody just a few of the many qualities that make them so unique and compelling.星座是不是每年都会不一样


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