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求if you最好版本的中文填词,注意不是中文意思歌词,是中文版的歌词
Verse 1: 婉转缠绵 在我心间 The gentle and lingering feeling in my heart 醇美芬芳 穿透了时间 The mellow aroma passes through time 梦里情景 展开的瞬间 The scenes in my dreams unfold in an instant 你降临眼前 You appear before me Chorus: 如此唯美 你是出现 So beautiful, you appear 如此浪漫 你是流连 So romantic, you linger 寂静午夜 拥有最美的画面 In the still of midnight, we have the most beautiful scene 阳光清晨 拥抱在一起不舍 In the sunny morning, we embrace each other unwillingly 不再属于我自己 I no longer belong to myself 梦在深处 爱在心底 The dream is in the depths, the love is in the heart 静静流淌 不消失 Verse 2: 浅唱情令 触动涟漪 Singing lightly, touching the ripples 一丝潮湿 现出微笑 A hint of moisture, showing a smile 眼眸温暖 像春天雨水 The eyes are warm, like the rain in the spring 拉近距离 Bringing us closer Chorus: 如此唯美 你是出现 So beautiful, you appear 如此浪漫 你是流连 So romantic, you linger 寂静午夜 拥有最美的画面 In the still of midnight, we have the most beautiful scene 阳光清晨 拥抱在一起不舍 In the sunny morning, we embrace each other unwillingly 不再属于我自己 I no longer belong to myself 梦在深处 爱在心底 The dream is in the depths, the love is in the heart 静静流淌 不消失 Bridge: 此刻正是 充盈双鱼座 At this moment, it's the fullness of Pisces 我不去想 你会不会离开我 I don't think about whether you will leave me or not 因为这世上 只有你值得等待 Because in this world, only you are worth waiting for Chorus: 如此唯美 你是出现 So beautiful, you appear 如此浪漫 你是流连 So romantic, you linger 寂静午夜 拥有最美的画面 In the still of midnight, we have the most beautiful scene 阳光清晨 拥抱在一起不舍 In the sunny morning, we embrace each other unwillingly 不再属于我自己 I no longer belong to myself 梦在深处 爱在心底 The dream is in the depths, the love is in the heart 静静流淌 不消失 这首歌曲以柔美的旋律和虚幻的意象,表达了双鱼座独有的浪漫、感性和温暖。


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