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今日四级翻译翻车名场面 四代同堂翻译
The2018年6月英语四级翻译考什么 这可能是最贴心的翻译神汇总
Beauty of Autumn in China Autumn in China is a season of stunning natural beauty. The weather is cooler and the air is crisp, making it the perfect season for outdoor activities. The bright sunshine and clear blue sky provide a perfect backdrop for the colorful autumn leaves, which add a touch of gold and red to the scenery. In China, autumn is also known as the "season of harvest". Farmers are busy harvesting crops, and the markets are filled with fresh fruits and vegetables. It's a wonderful time to enjoy the delicious local cuisine, such as hot pot and roasted chestnuts. 「学习更多 属相婚配知识请关注 :好姻缘网,Www.HaoYInyUan.cC]) One of the most famous autumn attractions in China is the Great Wall. The Great Wall is even more stunning when surrounded by the vibrant colors of autumn. Visitors can enjoy the cooler temperatures and explore the various sections of the wall without the sweltering heat of summer. Another popular destination in autumn is the West Lake in Hangzhou. The lake is surrounded by mountains, and the colorful autumn leaves add a magical touch to its already stunning beauty. Visitors can take a boat ride on the lake or stroll along the causeway to enjoy the scenery. Overall, autumn in China is a season of beauty and abundance. From the stunning landscapes to the delicious food, there is something for everyone to enjoy. If you're planning a trip to China, be sure to visit during this time of year to experience the magic of autumn for yourself.2016年12月英语四级神翻译 考生秒变段子手 组图


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