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As 上海叫停英语竞赛,全世界的孩子却在猛学中文,加负与减负之路
a foreign girl, I often hear stories about Chinese names and how they are a combination of different meanings. It always amused me to hear how one name can have so many interpretations and implications. I love the idea of giving meaningful names to people, and I always thought it would be fun to give Chinese names to my Chinese friends. As a foreigner, I may not have the same understanding of Chinese culture, but I do believe that I can come up with some beautiful and meaningful names for them. One name that I came up with for a Chinese girl is “Ling.” I believe it means “delicate and refined” in Chinese, which I think is very fitting for a young girl who is growing up in a world that can be quite harsh and unforgiving. This name also has a beautiful sound to it and is easy to remember, which makes it a perfect choice for a name that will be used for a lifetime. Another name that I love for a boy is “Jian.” This name means “strong and healthy” and represents the ideal qualities that a young boy should have as they grow up. This name is also quite popular in China, which means that it will be easy for people to remember. In conclusion, giving meaningful names is a beautiful tradition that I think should be celebrated, and as a foreigner, I love the idea of being able to contribute to this tradition in a small way. I hope that my Chinese friends will appreciate the「研习更多 生肖属相合婚常识请关注 :姻缘网,WWw.imYInyUAn.Com〗 names that I have given them and that these names will bring them joy and a sense of identity for many years to come.老外在中国 外国媳妇给孩子取名,中国婆婆无语了,简直笑掉你大牙


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