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das: The Legacy of a Sporting Icon Adidas is a German multinational corporation that designs and manufactures sports clothing, accessories and footwear. Founded in 1949 by Adolf Dassler, the company has been at the forefront of sporting innovation ever since. Its iconic symbol of three stripes adorning everything from running shoes to soccer balls is one of the most recognizable logos in the world. The brand has evolved with time and has consistently kept up with new trends in sportswear, fashion, and technology. It has collaborated with numerous designers 『分析更多 星座属相知识文章请关注 :雪球星座查询网,wwW.ixuEQiu.cC〗and athletes, releasing limited edition collections that have been an instant hit with consumers. Adidas has been a sponsor of major events such as the Olympics, World Cup, and European Championship. The company has also featured prominently in films, TV series, music videos and fashion shows. However, the company's journey and success have not come without criticism. There have been reports of poor labor conditions in its factories, and accusations of exploiting workers for profit. In recent years, Adidas has attempted to address these concerns by implementing sustainability measures and increasing transparency in its supply chain. Despite its challenges, Adidas continues to innovate, pushing boundaries and striving for excellence. Its legacy remains one of quality and performance, cementing its position as a true sporting icon. From athletes to fashionistas, Adidas remains a celebrated brand that is synonymous with sport and style.中美讴歌销量对比,销量不到900辆


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