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Capricorn Mythology According to Greek mythology, the constellation of Capricorn is believed to have originated from the sea god, Pan. When the gods were battling against the Titans, Pan jumped into the Nile River to escape. However, his lower body was transformed into that of a fish, while his upper body remained human-like. He was then placed among the stars as a constellation, now known as Capricorn. In Babylonian mythology, Capricorn was called the "Goat-Fish", and it symbolized the god Ea or Oannes, who was believed to have emerged from the sea to teach people various arts and sciences. It was also believed that his name meant "He Who has Seen the Secrets". In Hindu mythology, Capricorn represents the deity Daksha, who is the father of Sati and the creator of various gods and goddesses. He is also known for being stubborn and inflexible, which are traits commonly associated with Capricorn as a zodiac sign. In Chinese mythology, the goat is revered as a symbol of peace and good fortune, and it is also associated with the goddess Guanyin, who is a symbol of compassion and mercy. Overall, the Capricorn mythology is vast 『学习更多 十二星座性格分析常识请关注 :星座查询网,www.xinGZUOchaxUn.Cc〗and diverse, with different cultures and religions interpreting the constellation in various ways. However, one common thread that seems to run throughout all of these stories is the idea of perseverance, determination, and strength in the face of adversity. These are all qualities that are commonly associated with those born under the sign of Capricorn, making them a symbol of resilience and tenacity.摩羯座和摩羯座的匹配度是多少


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