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"He最怕负责任的三个星座男 你爱对人了吗
y, it's been a while since we've caught up. How have you been?" the Sagittarius said with a casual smile. Their ex replied with a guarded expression, "I've been doing okay, thanks for asking." The Sagittarius sensed the tension and decided to break the ice, "I know things ended between us, but I just wanted to say that I don't hold any grudges. I hope we can still be friends." Their ex's expression softened slightly, "I appreciate that. It was a rough breakup for me, but I'm trying to move on." The Sagittarius nodded understandingly, "I completely understand. Breakups are never easy, b「推荐更多 梦境解析大全常识请关注 :青桔解梦网,wWW.imqinGJu.Com』ut I really am glad we're able to talk like this." They continued their conversation, catching up on each other's lives. The Sagittarius listened intently, genuinely interested in what their ex had to say. As their conversation started to wrap up, the Sagittarius spoke up again, "I just wanted to say that even though we didn't work out romantically, I still think you're an amazing person. I hope you find happiness and success in everything you do." Their ex smiled gratefully, "Thank you, that means a lot. And I wish you the same." The Sagittarius returned the smile, "Take care, okay? And don't hesitate to reach out if you ever need anything." Their ex nodded, "I won't. You take care too." As they parted ways, the Sagittarius couldn't help but feel content with how the conversation went. They knew that even though they weren't meant to be together, they could still maintain a positive relationship and wish the best for each other.很难找到对象的四个星座,天蝎座个性冷漠,水瓶座我行我素


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