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英语百科 这些狗狗的英文名称是什么 文末有彩蛋
My 给我们家小狗起个英文名字
New Puppy: Buddy I recently adopted a new puppy, and I decided to name him Buddy. I think it's a fitting name, as he always wants to be by my side and seems to want to be a comp(推荐更多 12星座知识常识请关注 :星谷星座常识网,Www.iXinGGu.cC〕anion to me. Buddy is a golden retriever, and he's already growing so fast! He loves to play fetch and go for walks. He has a lot of energy, and he keeps me on my toes. I love spending time with Buddy. We play together, cuddle up on the couch, and explore our neighborhood together. He's quickly become my best friend. I've been working on training Buddy, and he's been doing really well. He's learned to sit, stay, and fetch on command. He's even learning to walk on a leash! Taking care of Buddy can be a lot of work, but it's worth it. He's brought so much joy and laughter into my life, and I can't imagine not having him around. He's always there to comfort me when I'm feeling down, and he never fails to make me smile. I feel lucky to have found such a great companion in Buddy. He's a loyal and loving friend, and I know we'll have many more adventures together in the years to come.给狗狗起英文名字


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